Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Last Tropical Fall Photos - November 24, 2010

Alocasia macrorhizza still going strong!

the last mandevilla
 fall colors of yellow and gold

Sabal minor 'Cape Hatteras Blue'

Sabal minor 'giant blue'

Phyllostachys viridis 'Robert Young'

Bamboo "Robert Young" and hot pink irisene

Sunday, November 21, 2010

It's Sugar Cane Harvest at Boca Cay !

Just harvested my sugar cane yesterday (November 20) and boy is it good. I have a variety from Brian Williams- forgot the name.

I cut the canes yesterday and cut them up to chew on. Boy is it good!

Who else in Maryland can say they grew and harvested  their own sugar cane crop?

After I cut off the biggest canes, I dug and potted the plant to overwinter inside for a good crop next year.

My plant got over 6' high this summer with 3 stalks.

This is the last remnant of my tropicals in my garden for this year.

Will Giles top that one! hahaha

Boca Joe